Little Reminders You May Need To Hear
You are loved
Never ever think otherwise about this fact. There are plenty of people in the world that love you deeply for a plethora of reasons and hate seeing you this way.
Your mental health does not define you
Your mental illness is a part of you, yes, but in no way, shape or form does it define you as a human being. You are a multi-faceted wonder of a person, and neither you or anyone else should believe in anything else. You need to accept what you have and learn to live with it, not fight against it.
You are NOT a burden
Never think that you are a burden on your friends and family. They are your friends for a reason and if they can't accept this part of you, then you need to cut them off straight away because it's not something that you choose to be. Your true friends will care about your wellbeing, listen to you and will try and help with your problems as best they can. More often than not they want you to be able to tell them your problems, and just because they're going through things of their own, doesn't mean they don't care about you and your problems too.
Get outside...NOW
I've always been reluctant to do this for one reason or another, mainly comfort, but getting some fresh air does you the world of good. It doesn't need to be for a run or anything strenuous, you could just go for a walk or even just sit in your garden, but getting outside into the open air is going to work wonders on clearing your mind.
You are not alone
You may be thinking to yourself that you're the only one feeling what you're feeling right now but you're not. There are so many people that either don't realise they have a problem, or are too scared to open up to anyone about how they feel in case they're looked down upon or judged - I know I was one of those people.
Talk to someone, anyone
It doesn't need to be a doctor if you're not comfortable with that just yet, but talk to a close friend or family member about how you feel. I've been surprised in the past to find that the person I've spoken to feels exactly the same way as me, and that, as well as the actual act of telling someone, gives you the biggest sense of release. Keeping things bottled up isn't helping anyone, including yourself.
Don't compare yourself to other people
Just because you feel that someone else has it worse than you doesn't mean that your pain isn't valid. Pain is pain, and we all feel it in individual ways.
It's okay to not be okay
You shouldn't be expected to try and be positive and happy all the time - there are other emotions that are equally as valid and you need to feel those too. Nobody's life is perfect, we all have rough days, and sometimes you just need to wallow for a while before you get back up and kick some ass.