Validating Yourself


Let's say that a little bit louder for the people at the back.

This is something that I need to drum into my head a little more too, to be honest. I'm a people pleaser, I like to be praised by someone else, I like people to appreciate, and tell me that they appreciate my worth. I work my best when someone tells me I'm doing a good job, or tells me that they think I'm capable of doing this, that and the other - it makes me feel good. Why can't I feel this way by myself though? Why do I need somebody else in my life to validate me? Why can't I validate myself?

I should be doing things off my own back, I should be doing things because I want to do it, not because other people think I'll be good at it. I should be writing my own destiny, doing things that I love and am passionate about out of pure drive for my own success. I need to learn to be happy by myself, and I need to learn to love myself.

I spend a stupidly large amount of time thinking about whether x, y or z likes me, why they haven't text me back, or why they never make the effort with me that I do with them. I spend all this time in lingering thoughts over these things that I just quite simply can't control, when I should be spending my time more pro-actively pursuing my dreams - this is why, 9 times out of 10, I get massively distracted. 

I care more about what other people think of me than what I'm actually doing with my life because I have it in my head that these people being in my life is what will make me happy. Sure, they're great people, and I enjoy having these friends in my life, but they're getting on with their lives, so why shouldn't I get on with my life too. I'm not saying that these people have perfect lives and they don't have their own problems and insecurities, but those are things they need to deal with the same way that I need to deal with my own ones too. 

I'm starting to learn how to focus on what I'm doing and to follow my dreams. It's a process, and my dreams right now might adapt and change, but I'll never find that out if I just stay where I am in this destructive whirlpool of self-pity and anxious thoughts. It doesn't matter what anyone else is doing, saying, achieving, or even thinking; none of it affects you, and none of it is anything that you can change. The only thing that you can change is yourself; what you're doing, saying, achieving and thinking. Stop worrying about things that you can't control, and start worrying about yourself and your own well being, make yourself your number one priority and start doing everything that you want to do.

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