Inspiration shouldn't be forced
One of my goals for 2019 is to be more consistent with my blog, as I've definitely got more than enough time every day to fit in at least something. However, I've just spent the last 15 minutes forcibly looking for inspiration to strike because I've got the time now - is this right?
There's forcing myself to write when I've got ideas and there's forcing myself to write because I feel I need to. I don't want to resent the process of blog making and eventually burn out from making myself do something that just isn't coming right now - the key words in that are "right now". Just because inspiration isn't coming right at this very second, it doesn't mean that I need to give up entirely.
I've put so much pressure on myself recently to find time to blog, that when I've actually sat down with my laptop, I haven't got the faintest idea what to talk about. I've been constantly thinking about when I'm going to blog and not what I'm going to blog, which is ultimately more important.
Normally, I would see this kind of thing as a failure, my mind would make up some shit excuse as to why this really isn't for me after all. That is 100% NOT true, though.
I need to take a step back, find inspiration outside of the online world and muse upon what I want to focus my content on next. Inspiration shouldn't be forced, but should be a natural flow - when it becomes forced, that's when you know you need to slow down and reevaluate what's important.