Decluttering my life


I've been going through a massive rut as of late, so I decided to declutter, organise and reset my surroundings to try and give me clarity. I went through everything in my room, from art supplies, books, clothes, stationary and random stuff that I haven't looked at for months - the things I don't want will more than likely be given away to charity shops as I'm not all too bothered about gaining any profit off anything.

This has definitely been my biggest cull yet, and because of that, I feel that this one has also cleared out the mess that has been in my mind too. I habitually clear out my belongings every six months or so, and in the past, there have been items that I've clung onto in the hope that I will someday use them again - my art supplies being the biggest anchor.

I'm a massively creative person, and I used to be big into art and design with masses of paints, pens, pencils, and other general art supplies. Unfortunately, I haven't used these items in years, so I decided that now was the time to part ways with them and pass them onto someone with a bit more of a passion for it that I have right now. It's sad, but I'm moving on, and making room for things that I am passionate about.

I feel like a massive weight has been lifted off my shoulder just by that one little decision to remove a few material objects from my life. Those items were subconsciously taking up a little compartment in the back of my head that can now be used for more productive things. I don't know whether this is all psychological and will wear off within the week, but I feel more motivated already, with a fresh new space and with minimalised belongings.

I love the feeling when you have just finished tidying and organising a space. Ironically, I'm quite a messy person, but can't properly concentrate on anything unless the space around me is tidy. Let's try and keep it this way for once, hey?

Things people say in pubs #2


I really enjoyed writing my number 1 instalment of this post, so I decided to create another one after being in this job for another year now, so here we go:

*Customer looks at reserved sign on table* "Is this table reserved?"
Nah, we put that sign there for shits and giggles!

Me: "Okay, here's your water bottle, I'm just gonna grab you some glasses!"
Customer: "We're gonna need some glasses!"
...I literally have no words...

"Can I have a virgin bloody mary?" literally just want a tomato juice?

Drunken customer: "Do you want a shot? Have a shot with me!"
Yeah alright then, I'll just have a shot on shift and get fired!

"Can I have a J20 in a wine glass"
Drinking a soft drink out of a wine glass doesn't make you seem anymore sophisticated fyi - who're you trying to impress?

*Stands in front of the menus* "Can I have a menu!"
If you use your eyes, you will see wondrous things!

Clicks fingers/whistles/waves money in your face
Not today, Satan, I'm not serving someone that treats us like animals.

"Why don't you have that one deal on anymore, I'm gonna complain"
Wait...I'm sorry? You're gonna complain because you can't get a discount on something? That makes zero sense - goodluck with that! These 3 ladies came into the pub wanting the 20% discount of bottles of wine we used to do on Thursdays, and said they'd have water instead because we didn't have it on anymore. Talk about dramatic 🙄

Me: "That'll be £2.25 please!"
Customer: "I'm sorry I've only got a £20"
Now, this is a VERY British thing to do. When I was in Australia I noticed that nobody did it or even cared - I remember buying a soft serve ice cream in McDonald's for $1 with a $50 note, and nobody even batted an eyelid. We seem to always apologise when we give the server way too much money...but the thing is, there's generally always change, so why do we feel the need to apologise?

I'm a thinker when I need to be a do-er


I literally cannot stop thinking about absolutely everything that I want to do with my life; I plan every detail in my head...and that's where it stays. I'm in a constant state of thinking about what I want to do, rather than putting anything into action at all. I'm a thinker when I need to be a do-er!

I am constantly reading these articles on how to get inspired, how to live a creative life, or how to get and stay motivated - but that's all I do, read. I'm reading article upon article on how I can live my best life but I'm never actually taking any of the steps in order to achieve that goal. I'm a perfectionist, I want everything to be perfect; including myself. I don't wanna commit to doing anything unless I have the perfect plan, the perfect way of doing things, and the perfect mindset, and this is what has stopped me from doing so many things that I've been wanting to do.

Let's chat blogging as an example; I've got so many ideas of posts that I'd love to create, but every time I look at an idea, my mind just goes into thinking mode. I blog because I enjoy it, I blog because it's fun, I blog because I want to blog and I've no idea why I'm making this (and so many other things) so difficult for myself. 

I feel like I'm just getting out of a funk that I'm partially blaming on the winter blues; I'm starting to find my rhythm again, my motivation, and I'm starting to realise the fun I've been missing out on by holding myself back. This has been the story of a lot of my life, and probably one of the reasons why I never committed to anything for more than a couple of months before I gave up. My business and my blog are big examples of things that I most definitely do NOT want to be giving up anytime soon.

I always hate myself when I give up on things, so why then do I always do it? Not this time though! In the past I've had to force myself to work on things that I know I enjoy and it's always paid off so I'm gonna start creating habits to get myself back into the swing of doing