♪ Rockabye - Clean Bandit
How delightfully obvious is it that I am posting about my 2017 goals? Well, I've got to have some nook or cranny to store them in, so I thought why not here?
⬗ Create and stick to a morning routine
⬗ Continue with my personal development and believe in myself
⬗ Feel the fear and do it anyway
⬗ Leave the house every day
⬗ Work hard to achieve my dreams
⬗ Don't forget to take time for yourself
⬗ Read 50 books
⬗ Review at least one book a month
As you can see, a lot of these are very personally based, and only I can judge on the inside whether I have been fulfilling these. They're not things that you can necessarily tick off a list, but they are things that I want to implement into my life going forth into the new year.
I do want to get a lot of reading done as well, and get back into reviewing books - I always thoroughly enjoyed it. I have been travelling for the past 2 years, so always had other things to be doing and seeing rather than reading. This year I'm back on home soil and I want to make it a challenge to up my reading game.
These are my overall goals for the entirety of the year, what are yours?